Trading can expose you to losses greater than the deposits you make with your broker or financial intermediary. It is therefore only suitable for experienced people who have the financial resources to take on such a risk. The content of our website and the content of the training courses offered are for educational and informative purposes only. Our website and the training offered do not constitute an offer of investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell financial instruments. All investors must make their own judgement before investing in a financial instrument to ensure that it is suitable for their financial, tax and legal situation. The trainers cannot be held liable under any circumstances.
Article 1 :
These internal rules have been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of articles L.6352-3 and L.6352-4 and R.6352-1 to R.6352-15 of the French Labour Code. They apply to all trainees for the duration of the course.
Article 2 : Discipline:
It is strictly forbidden for trainees to:
- Bring alcoholic beverages onto the organisation's premises
- Attend training sessions in an intoxicated state
- Pass on training materials to anyone other than the trainee
- Change the settings on the trainer's computer
- Eating in the classrooms
- Record the course using audio, video or other means.
Article 3 : Penalties :
Any action considered to be wrongful by the management of the training organisation may, depending on its nature and seriousness, be subject to one or other of the following sanctions, in ascending order of importance:
- Warning
- Temporary exclusion from the course
- Permanent exclusion from the course.
Article 4 : Interview prior to disciplinary action and procedure :
No penalty may be imposed on trainees without the latter first being informed of the grievances against them in a personal interview.
During the interview, trainees may be assisted by a person of their choice, either a trainee or an employee of the training organisation. During the interview, the reason for the proposed sanction is indicated to the trainee, who is then given the opportunity to provide any explanations or justifications for the acts of which he is accused.
When the training organisation considers it essential to take the precautionary measure of temporary exclusion with immediate effect, no definitive sanction relating to the misconduct at the origin of this exclusion may be taken without the trainee having first been informed of the complaints against him/her and, where appropriate, having been called for an interview and given the opportunity to explain himself/herself before a disciplinary committee.
The penalty may not be imposed less than one clear day or more than 15 days after the interview or, where applicable, after the opinion of the Disciplinary Committee.
Trainees will be notified in writing of the penalty and the reasons for it, in the form of a letter delivered against receipt. At the same time, the training organisation will inform the employer and, where applicable, the joint body paying the training costs, of the sanction imposed.
Article 5 : Trainee representation:
When a traineeship lasts more than 500 hours, a full delegate and an alternate delegate are elected in a 2-ballot uninominal ballot. All trainees are entitled to vote and to stand for election, with the exception of prisoners admitted to take part in a vocational training course.
The training organisation organises the ballot, which takes place during training hours, no earlier than 20 hours and no later than 40 hours after the start of the course. If it is not possible to appoint trainees' representatives, the training organisation will draw up a report on the failure to do so and send it to the regional prefect with territorial jurisdiction.
The delegates are elected for the duration of the training course. Their functions end when they cease, for whatever reason, to participate in the training course.
If the titular delegate and the alternate delegate cease to hold office before the end of the training session, a new election is held under the conditions set out in articles R.6352-9 to R.6352-12.
The trainees' representatives shall make any suggestions for improving the running of the courses and the living conditions of the trainees in the training organisation. They present all individual or collective complaints relating to these matters, to health and safety conditions and to the application of the internal rules.
Article 6 : Health and safety :
The prevention of accidents and illness is imperative and requires everyone to comply fully with all applicable health and safety regulations. To this end, the general and specific safety instructions in force within the organisation, where they exist, must be strictly complied with, failing which disciplinary action may be taken.
The general and specific safety instructions applicable are those of the establishment where the training takes place.
Article 7 : Course schedule (Paris time) :
The Initiation Day (videoconference) and the SPECIAL CRYPTOS course last 8 hours, from 9am to 1pm, and from 2pm to 6pm. The TRADERS ESSENTIALS and TRADERS ELITE courses last 5 days, from 9am to 1pm, and from 2pm to 6pm. The INDIVIDUAL COACHING course and the PROFSSIONAL SEMINAR course last 8 hours, from 9am to 1pm, and from 2pm to 6pm. Lunch will be taken in nearby restaurants, together with the trainer and any participants who so wish. The price of each meal is not included in the course fee. Travel and accommodation costs are also not included in the price of the course.
Only the trainee may take part in the course. No accompanying persons are allowed.
Article 8 : Cancellation policy :
Cancellation by the trainer :
The trainer reserves the right to cancel a course if there are only 2 participants or in the event of the trainer's illness or force majeure preventing him/her from giving the course. If there are only two or fewer participants, the distance between them will be taken into account and the course will be maintained as far as possible. In the event of cancellation, those registered will be notified as soon as possible and offered either a later session or a full refund. No reimbursement will be made for any expenses incurred in attending a course.
Cancellation by a participant :
Any participant wishing to cancel their enrolment will only be reimbursed the amount already paid if their request is received more than 30 days before the scheduled training date, regardless of the reason. Between 30 days and the training date, any payment received will be retained as compensation.
However, if cancellation is due to force majeure on the part of the participant, reimbursement will be made up to the amount already paid, on presentation of proof only, regardless of the date of the cancellation request. In all cases, it will be possible to postpone enrolment in a subsequent training session without penalty and with the agreement of the trainer.